<<< [ Jul 13] | [ Jul 14 ] | [ Jul 15]>>>
Saturday July 14, 2007

Day 41 -
Eddyille, KY to Millersville TN, 107 miles, 6:17.

And to think, the words you are reading right now were typed on the heap of metal pictured above. That is, only after our brother Steve Lindsay of Lindsay Consulting got done with it.

Picture this conversation on a Saturday morning. "Hello, sir," I said. "I am so glad you answered. I am riding a bicycle across the country for Jesus Christ and posting to the Web daily from a computer that is completely out of order right now. Can you help?"

Steve didn't just help. He saved us.

He drove almost an hour from south of Nashville and met Connie near our Saturday campground in Goodlettsville, TN. They actually met at the local church where Steve's been leading his Boy Scout troop for almost 20 years.

Steve set up the mobile MASH unit for our old Compaq laptop. He soldered the power jack back onto the mother board, and viola, we're back online and more grateful than ever for the opportunity to post our stuff from the road.

Steve refused to accept payment for his services, instead, asking us to accept the work as his contribution to the mission trip. Thank you Steve. We hope the Lord will bless you and Lindsay Consulting, an IT consulting firm. Please call Steve at (615) 855-0900.

Meanwhile, with all that going on away from our route, I was giving thanks for another day, pedaling from Lake Kentucky to Hopkinsville, KY, and on into Tennessee. It was really three different rides. There was the country ride down the lake in Kentucky, the eastbound jog along Hwy 68, a really busy four-lane, divided highway, and then the 57-mile southeasterly tour down Hwy 41 through a number of charming small towns.

It was also the second consecutive 100-plus-mile day and the third century of the week. But, unlike our previous 100-plus-mile rides, the terrain was pretty flat, and the ride was mostly downwind and fast. The heat was also a factor, as I am sure I used more fluids than on any other ride.

The lesson of the day for me: we're moving from town to town, we needed to get our PC fixed, it's the weekend, and I had a 100-mile ride to do. So get this, I text message Google (46645) "computer repair Goodlettsville, TN." I make exactly one phone call to exactly the right man, and God takes care of the rest.

Praise God. Reminds me of a verse our friend Patrick Testa-Secca uses on his business cards and logo for Trinity Automotive Services: always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 (NIV)

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 J. Boe Ellis - 813.732.0619
