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Sunday July 1, 2007

Day 28 -
worship Ness City, KS

This Sunday's message from Pastor Darlene of the Ness City United Methodist Church was a patriotic theme of freedom in America, and moreover, freedom in Jesus Christ.

We sung Glory Glory, and America the Beautiful... all from the United Methodist Hymnal.

In a farming town of just more then 750 people (according to Wikipedia.org), we were encouraged to see Ness City, like the other communities we're finding in Kansas, strongly rooted in Christ.

And, like Steamboat City United Methodist the Sunday previous, Ness City UMC uses a thrift store on main street in the heart of downtown as one of the ways it is reaching out to the community.

Thank you to all at Ness City UMC for making us feel so welcome in your town.

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